Hotel tips: Our favorite 9 hotels in Frankfurt Main
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No other skyline in Germany is as imposing as that of Frankfurt: Skyscraper after skyscraper line up here, with the Main Tower standing out with its visitor platform at a height of 200 meters. The city on the Main is considered a financial and banking metropolis. Numerous trade fairs are held here every year, and there are also the best hotspots for shopping. But Frankfurt can also be historical: The medieval Römer forms the city hall, in the old town the Hessian enjoys his Eppelwoi in rustic pubs and hotels.
The Pure in Frankfurt wows guests with its stylish decor and central location. As the name suggests, this small design hotel is perfect if you like the minimalist look. Design …
The Steigenberger Hotel Frankfurter Hof takes great pride in its reputation as the “First Lady” and “living monument” of the 5 star hotel industry. For over 130 years this luxury …
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